Get real. Get disruptive. Get results.

Disrupt your culture of assumptions

Whether you represent a start-up or a multi-billion-dollar nonprofit, you’re a female CEO, or the top of the Coca-Cola leadership team, everyone’s performance can be hindered by their perspective.

We’re so afraid to…

  • Fall flat on our faces in front of others
  • Get uncomfortable
  • Make mistakes

… that our performance suffers.

That’s why we remain in the comfort of planning, re-planning, and re-re-planning our next move.

Stop researching which shoes to buy. Get some sneakers on your feet, lace ‘em up, and hit the pavement.

It’s time to take action.

Let’s get you and your team comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Hearing and acknowledging every voice at the table and making space for honest, real talk is the way to move your company forward.

Kristina Joy Carlson is here to ignite transformative change in the world through Outrageous Kindness and work with companies like yours.







Embrace the NOW to move forward.

If you were to separate your day into two categories, “MOMENTUM” and “DISRUPTION,” which list would be longer?

As a leader, you’re often the one handling:

  • Employee retention and engagement (Let’s see who shows up today.)
  • Arguments and disagreements (We’re going around in circles.)
  • Goal and vision alignment (Is this really moving us forward?)
  • Negativity and stagnant thinking (If we could just get past this ONE thing…)

All that “handling” leaves little time and space for shaking things up and making leaps toward solutions and improved performance.

That’s where Kristina Joy Carlson brings her honest talk and Outrageous Kindness to the room, ready to say what needs saying.



"Kristina Joy Carlson's talk was a game-changer. Her message about disrupting the culture of assumptions hit home, reminding me that fear of failure and comfort in planning can hinder performance. She inspired me to embrace the discomfort, and to quit planning and start doing. Her approach to transformative change through Outrageous Kindness is both refreshing and impactful. Highly recommended for any leader seeking to propel their organization forward."
- Erin T.
"Kristina's talk was a revelation. Her questions made me pause and reflect on where my focus lies as a leader. Her insights into the challenges leaders face—handling employee retention, disagreements, and negativity—resonated deeply with me. Her emphasis on the need to shake things up and embrace disruption with honesty and kindness was both refreshing and empowering. I left feeling inspired into action to challenge the status quo."
- Whitney M.
"Kristina Joy’s methodology cuts through the noise and empowers organizations to take immediate action to drive results. If your organization is facing challenges like stagnant revenue or ineffective planning, her insights and guidance are invaluable. Her energy and passion for innovation is contagious. Can’t recommend enough!"
- Carly O.
"Kristina helped us face some hard truths concerning our opportunities, and our capacity. She leads with a firm hand that was filled with grace. She guided us, while allowing us to find within ourselves the decisions that would best elevate the community we serve, for its highest good. Kristina has a keen eye for finding a person's strength. She is a leader I not only want, but am willing to follow, with any project, anywhere, any time.:
- Becca Finley Creative Director/Producer & Audience Engagement Specialist

Through three delivery methods founded on Outrageous Kindness and her KINDd Method, Kristina disrupts corporate thinking and challenges the assumptions standing in the way of your success.

Alter your mindset

Master the skills necessary to overcome apathy

Transform your processes



Outrageous Kindness & The KINDd Method

Through innovative KIND Method consulting, coaching, training, products, and experiences, Kristina Joy Carlson empowers individuals to thrive in every aspect of their lives, guides businesses towards prosperous triple bottom lines and advances philanthropy worldwide.

To be outrageously kind is to be relentlessly committed to…

  • Acknowledging the value in others
  • Finding new perspectives, data, and ideas
  • Creating positive results in spite of the circumstances.


Outrageous kindness recognizes and acknowledges the inherent wisdom every person brings to the table – and requires listening from that knowledge. 


The KINDd Method

Know More: Kindness begins with a sincere intention to know more at the end of the conversation than you did at the beginning. It requires listening, understanding, and empathizing.

Identify Your Impact: Practice enlightened self-interest by building clarity around your goals and the impact you make. Recognize the impact and importance of being kind to yourself, as it lays the foundation for being kind to others.

Normalize Change: Embrace change and its inevitability. Create standard responses to change. Inform others of their impact and provide grace in the face of life’s uncertainties. Standardize responses to change, fostering a resilient and adaptable environment.

Deliver: Understand that your role is to help cross their personal and professional finish lines. Build relationships based on trust and accountability, certain that it will get done every single time.

Dance: Enjoy the work and celebrate your successes. Keep your perspective trained on the “why” behind your actions, and develop strategies for continual growth and success. And dance.

“Outrageous Kindness is the path we need to follow because everybody has something to contribute to making their lives, their businesses, and the world a better place.”

–Kristina Carlson

Transformational Philanthropy:
Expand Your Impact

Kristina Joy Carlson has spent three decades as a business leader and philanthropic expert, chiseling the masterpiece of methodology that opens the doors for individuals and organizations to achieve impact and transformation.

If your organization is bogged down by…

Too much planning and too little action

Shrinking or plateaued revenue

Gaps in time management and efficiency

Decreasing regular donation commitments

Stagnant attempts to elevate your brand and enter new markets

Kristina helps you answer the questions:

What can you do – RIGHT NOW – to raise more money?

What can you do – RIGHT NOW – to accelerate your results?

By working with leaders to challenge the status quo and create an environment where innovation, failure, and ideating can be freely explored, Kristina supports philanthropic organizations to create authentic spaces for learning, directly driving revenue and impact.

Choose Your Adventure


Keynote Speaking

Kristina Joy Carlson delivers engaging and transformational keynote addresses to the high-net-worth space, supporting wealth management firms, banks, colleges, career-readiness programs, leadership team development, women in leadership and business retreats, and coaching, self-help, and personal growth organizations.

Workshops and Training

Kristina Joy Carlson specializes in customized workshops and training for groups sized between 5 and 500 participants. Rooted in the KINDd Method, Kristina speaks to the specific goals and desired impact defined in your discovery period. 

Every workshop is…

  • Actionable with clear and tangible next steps
  • High-energy and uncomfortable, as Outrageous Kindness creates a space to get real and make real changes
  • Crafted in response to your needs
  • FUN!

1:1 Leadership Coaching and Development

For high-achieving entrepreneurs and C-Suite level leaders ready to catalyze change, Kristina uses her process of discovery and assessment to customize your learning and supports you to create results. 1:1 Leadership Coaching is often an integral part of team and group transformation through corporate consulting.

Meet Kristina

Kristina Joy Carlson knows: No matter what the world is throwing at us, there is ALWAYS something we can do to create posi. A sought-after speaker and co-author of the best-selling Essential Principles for Fundraising Success, Kristina doesn’t just help organizations raise money; she facilitates the transformation of people’s lives, companies, and the world through Outrageous Kindness.

Three decades in fundraising and entrepreneurship and a five-year gauntlet of personal loss have taught Kristina she always has control over her purpose, perspective, and actions.

Founder of the KINDd Method and Managing Director of Global Philanthropy at Carter, Kristina guides transformational capital campaigns, advises on 8-figure gifts and grants, creates bespoke training programs, and develops innovative technologies for some of the world’s largest nonprofit organizations, including Habitat for Humanity International, World Vision International, and Special Olympics. She also helps maximize the philanthropic engagement of former US Presidents and other heads of state, Fortune 500 CEOs, Forbes 400 individuals, faith leaders, celebrities, and everyday people. 

Kristina has a personal practice of Outrageous Kindness, resulting in profound life lessons and hilarious stories in nearly equal measure. Through her keynotes, workshops, individualized coaching, and executive leadership roles at Carter Global, Ketchum, and, individuals, corporate executives, teams, and organizations have

altered their mindsets, changed their processes, and mastered the necessary skills to overcome trauma, apathy and other challenges to create positive results. She disrupts corporate thinking and challenges cultures of assumptions that stand in the way of success. With outrageous kindness, she puts companies on a path toward a triple bottom line that maximizes ESG and values people, the planet, and profits.

Her mission is to inspire leaders, philanthropists, and professionals to define and take mission-critical actions and create accountability systems and lasting results while experiencing the magic of outrageous kindness.

With a master’s degree in Community Economic Development from New Hampshire College, Kristina lives in Oxford, Mississippi, where she hits yellow balls, cheers on the Ole Miss Rebels, starts each morning with Tazo Awake black tea and a quick round o.f Plants vs. Zombies

Kristina has been featured on...

Swiss Fundraising Day

Featured Speaker

It’s okay if your path isn’t clear.
Take the first step.

If you’re ready to mobilize and form partnerships that will transform the way the world works, Kristina is ready to help you get started.

Get in Touch